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Our mission is to create a friendly and supportive community for beginner to intermediate drummers to find clear, coherent material to help them improve with ease and get excited about playing the drums...



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About Drum. With. Stu.

At drum with Stu, I wanted to create a friendly community where people can learn about, talk about and have FUN playing drums. Progress at your own pace, without feeling guilty for those skipped days of practice. We all have busy lives, and they’re getting busier all the time, so after getting feedback and engaging with my 175,000+ followers across my social media platforms, I decided to build a community where the hobbyist can thrive with no pressure or feel like they have to practice for 2 hours a day to improve. On the site you’ll find a fully comprehensive course that will help you to brush up on the basics AND develop your skills beyond your current level, with an ever expanding number of FUN lessons that are designed to empower and encourage you on YOUR drumming journey. There are new module added every month so there’s ALWAYS going to be something to suit what ever mood you’re in or feel like playing that day. 

My Story...

I started playing drums at around age 15, immediately starting a garage band with a close friend. It might seem a little strange but I didn’t even have any lessons. I was really getting into music and at this point all we really wanted to do (like most kids our age) was make some noise. We didn’t really care about what we were doing and to be honest, we weren’t very good. But one thing we WERE really good at? Being persistent. We just kept playing and playing and playing. Then it got a little more serious. We DID get good and as we progressed, so did our technical ability and our understanding of the music we were playing. I spent a few years playing some pretty intense metal and even drumming in a Pantera tribute band but then my tastes started to develop, I joined a covers band to make some money at the weekend and I started to explore playing other styles and develop a much better understanding of music in general. Fast forward 20 years and now, my entire life pretty much revolves around the drums. I’ve been teaching them as my full time job for the last 15 years (I even have a waiting list for my in person lessons), play in a busy wedding band and have built social media platforms totalling more than 175,000 followers, that I also use to teach, inspire and motivate other people on the same journey I started almost 25 years ago. The most exciting part of this? I feel like I’m only just getting started, and I’m really glad that you’re here on this journey with me. 


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